2024 GEM Report on
Education Leadership
5th November 2024
11 AM - 11:50 AM UTC
The 2024/5 Global Education Monitoring Report: Lead for Learning, UNESCO’s annual flagship education report puts leadership for education at the top of the political agenda in the lead-up to 2030. The Report draws on the most recent evidence to critically examine the theme of school and education leadership exploring the skill set of an effective education leader and spotlighting interesting examples of policies and practices from around the world that foster and strengthen leadership in education.
A presentation by the Report’s Director Manos Antoninis and Global School Leader's CEO Camila Pereira will unpack the Report’s key findings and recommendations on School Leadership, setting the stage for ensuing discussions on leadership at the Summit. ​
Manos Antoninis
Camila Pereira
Global School Leaders
Stefania Giannini
Assistant Director-General
Education, UNESCO